Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Mavericks Christmas...

Christmas Day at Half Moon Bay. After dropping my wife and her mother off at the airport for a trip to Hawaii. I grabbed my camera gear and headed to Mavericks. A swell moved into the area on Christmas eve, and just like Santa Claus it gave a present to Northern California. Swells coming in from the North Notrhwest and giving Mavericks a 20~30 foot swell.

These photographs were taken from a elevated position that I climbed to in order to get high enough to shoot the surfers behind the closest waves. Even with my 300mm fixed lens and a 1.4x extender it was difficult to get good close-ups.

Lets do a little math. 300mm x 1.4 = 420mm now when you add the 1.5 conversion by the DX chip you end up with a 630mm lens. With a 630mm lens equivalent the surfers still look like ants. take a look. Click on the slide show to see larger images.

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