Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July...

"Pig" Would like to wish everyone a "Safe & Sane" Happy Independence day.

This photo was taken at the Alameda County Fair on Monday. Magellan and I had a great time talking with the students in the 4-H Live Stock area.

The students were of all ages and very eager to share their knowledge with us. Some of these kids were barely 80 pounds dripping wet and their "Pets" were six to nine months old and out weighed them by several hundreds of pounds.
They we're all busy cleaning, feeding and practicing for the show and auction. It was told to Magellan, by a very energetic young man (that reminded her of a Nephew), that a pig went for several thousands of dollars in last years auction. Whoa, that's an expensive piece of bacon.

We went camping. See you when we get back. Have a great holiday.


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