Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ronald W. Reagan Presidential Library

Magellan and I finally made it home from our trip to Southern California. Our journey home took to the Ronald W. Reagan Presidential Library. Our main reason for going was that Magellan is taking a summer class from UCSD that will give her one credit and move her up on the pay scale at work in October. The secondary reason is we wanted to see the Air Force One, tail number 27000.

It was amazing to see this huge Boeing 707 perched three stories above your head. This massive piece of machinery was literally standing on three pillars.

Air Force One

Reagans Oval Office

If you find yourself in Simi Valley, California and on Hwy 118. Take some time and visit the Ronald W. Reagan Presidential Library, no matter what political party you belong, you will find the history amazing, and the history of his career for the early days of radio and movies through his political career.

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