Sunday, December 2, 2007

Flight test…

On Saturday while my wife was taking a mid-term, I took advantage of the time and made a trip to Palo Alto and Keebler & Schucat Photoagraphy. It was my lucky day. Not only were they having a huge sale, but reps from all the big name vendors were there to parade their wares.

Once I became aware that is was a rep/demo I scampered to the Nikon counter like a kid that was given a dollar for candy. Yes, that’s right… I did… I got to play with the new but rare Nikon D3. If you ever wanted to know what $5,000.00 looks like it looks like this, minus the lens. I spent 15 minutes playing with a camera I will never own. I am sure my wife and I could find many more useful ways to spend 5,000 clams. If I was pro… I could write it off, but I am not and it would never pay for itself. However, I did enjoy toying with it.

The new Nikon D300 is more my speed and price. I remember when the Nikon D70s was $1,799.00

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