Friday, June 6, 2008


In the past few weeks I have heard talk about security in the Nations Capitol cracking down on public photography. It has been rumored that security guards are not allowing tourist or professionals to take pictures of public building inside and out.

Washington D.C. seems to have joined many major cities in the widespread ban of photography in public places. New York requires a city permit and sometimes requires insurance to photograph in public places. Also in 2007 Silver Spring, Maryland had banned photography on some of its “Private” down town streets. Read more.

One of the hotbeds of photographic controversy lately has been the D.C. Union Station. The interiors design of the station makes it one of the most photographed buildings in the D.C. area. However people have been asked to turn their cameras off and to put them away.

The Local Fox News Station doing a report on this topic at Union Station, were asked by a security guard to stop filming and put the camera away, while they were interviewing an Amtrak spokesman stating that there is no such policy issued by Amtrak. Check it out here.

If you are aware of any city bans of public photography, please put location and times and a brief description the comments section. I.e. Monterey Bay Aquarium doesn’t ban photography, but they do ban the use of monopods and tripods.

I ran across this web page explaining the rights of photographers. To view and download the guild click here.

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